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Every clan member is expected to know and follow ROE K76
If you are in doubt do not act before consulting with your clan leader or superiors !

This is the link to latest ROE K76 of King Doomsday : new version 11 July 2021



Treat all players with respect and courtesy. Threats and harassing messages of any kind are strictly prohibited.



In Kingdom 76 all fights are only by agreement of the parties except during COT. Attacks on portals and clan buildings are prohibited. Scouting is a form of aggression. Join K76 CP Gains chat to coordinate attacks. 

  • Most Kingdoms in the game follow similar rules. Attacks are coordinated on a daily basis. 

  • Computer Generated Clan (CGC) and players not in a clan are not protected by ROE and are open for attack. It is suggested that you attempt to encourage them to join a human clan.

  • Exception - attacks are allowed during Clash of Thrones for 48 hours.



Clans must nominate at least one diplomat on their clan page. Diplomats must be an active clan leader or superior. Diplomats speak for their clan to the kingdom



- During CoT, you can scout and attack cities and portals if you adhere to all of the following rules:

4A.  CITIES - You cannot attack a player's town with less than HALF your power/might scout or attack unless the player scouts or attacks your town. For example, if you have four million power, you can attack the city of a player with more than two million power, but not if the player has less than two million power. If you can clearly prove power at the beginning of the COT by means of screenshots and time stamp, this power level applies.

4B.  CLAN MARCHES You cannot clan march or use reinforcements to attack cities. You can use reinforcements to attack portals, but only to defend yourself. Battle report required as proof of attack from the portal.

4C.  PORTALS - You cannot scout or attack any portals within clan territory. You can scout out or attack portals outside of clan territory. Power doesn't matter to this rule. If there is an Epic Monster Event taking place during the CoT, you may not scout or attack portals that have been clearly placed to march on the Epic Monsters unless you have a combat report showing that the portal is in use and was used to scout or attack a player.

4D.  CLAN FORTS If a player can verify a army is hiding in a clan fort, that fort may be attacked regardless of might. 

4E.  SCOUTING CITIES If a high might player is scouted in a low might players city, that city may be attacked up to 50% the might of the highest player. Ex. 10M might player is in a 2M might players city. You could be a 20M might player and attack the 10M might player in the 2M might players city. 



Any player can march to any monster, arena, citadels, or crypt at any time regardless of its location except in the case of Rare Crypt where a Key is needed to open, if you did not unlock it then do not take it!



Player created resources are owned by the person that created the tile using architect plans.

The owner of the player created resources tile has the right to attack and reclaim without warning, or ask for help to reclaim.  

  • Player created tiles are levels 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, and 35.  

  • Resources tiles within a clan area are property of the clan. If you open or take a resource tile within a clan area they can attack to remove you.



All wild resource locations (“RSS”) are first come first served.  

  • All levels 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,11,12,13,14,16,17,18,19,21,22,23,and 24 are wild created tiles.

  • Levels 10, 15, 20, and 25 could be wild…

  • If a player is marching to the location. Don’t start a march and rush to beat them.



  • REGISTRATION is required within the K76 DM & Spring Log  chat room. 

  • CRY? Don’t cry if you are attacked at a DM or Well Spring if you didn’t post to the chat room. 

  • ONLY post the Y coordinate of the location. Other Kingdoms when we open can use this information to attack you. Ex. K:76 X:863 Y:463  (only post DM463)

  • 1 DM and 1 Well Spring can be occupied by any single player per day and must be harvested until empty. 

  • DM’s and Well Springs within a clan area are property of the clan.



Cities with over 3 days of accrued ingots may be attacked by a member from the council after being given 24 hours warning. Gold ingots have zero value to you personally, but the king can use them to turn on bonuses for the whole Kingdom. Ex. +25% army strength during Doomsday. When the kingdom opens, others will target cities with ingots. Click your capital daily and send the ingots to the treasury. Treasury is located at K:76 X:532 Y:518

  • 9.1 - 36 hour accumulation based on the capital level

  • 20 - 2,520

  • 22 - 5,040

  • 24 - 18,000

  • 26 - 47,520

  • 28 - 56,160

  • 30 - 64,800

  • 35 - 86,400

  • 40 - 104,000



All controversial issues should be attempted to be resolved first among the players themselves. 

If they can't decide, then turn to the heads of clans.  If the heads of clans cannot find a common solution, then they turn to the king.  The decisions of the king are not negotiable, so it makes common sense to resolve all controversial issues between the players themselves.



Individuals or clans unwilling to comply with ROE will receive outlaw status. Current outlaws can be found in the K76 Outlaws chat room. 

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