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engineering specialization 1.jpg

Engineering Build
Further explanation

This specialization focuses on defending with very strong walls and using catapults for attack. If you have all the right boosts & upgrades this is a very strong build !

To get the most out of your Engineering Specialization you have several options, displayed and further explained below.

Applying all the 10 named options will get you the strongest build possible in this specialization.

  1.  Place your City on a Marshland, Volcano or Mountain tile

  2.  Get Matemhain Hero

  3.  Get captain Brann

  4.  Research Academy – Boost –Army Modernization

  5.  Research Academy – Unlock – Engineering Corps I

  6.  Put Hero talent points into Battle Tactics tree

  7.  Put Hero talent points into Economy tree

  8.  Forge – Equipment crafting – Skillful Engineer equipment                                                     

   9.  Forge – Workshop – Enchantments

  10. Forge  – Workshop – Gems



1. Place your City on a Marshland, Volcano or Mountain tile

Placing your City on a marshland, Volcano or Mountain tile will give you a + bonus to health and strength of fortifications.

These tiles have different bonuses. Make sure you choose the maximum +90% bonus tile, if possible.

bonus tile.png

2. Get Matemhain Hero

Matemhein is thé hero to get when your focus is on the engineering specialization build.

He gives a +200% bonus to Engineers' strength and health.

Also he will reduce the delay for rebuilding walls to 30 seconds.


3. Get captain Brann

Brann is thé captain to get, as he gives a + bonus to Engineering corps' health and strength.

The higher his level, the higher his bonus. Leveling Brann to 80, for example, will provide a bonus of 80%.

See under 5. how to get Brann.


4. Research Academy-Boost  Army Modernization

army modernization.png

Researching Army Modernization gives you the following boosts:

  • Strength of fortification I, II, III, IV, V

  • Health of fortification I, II, III, IV, V

  • Siege engines' strength I, II, III, IV, V

  • Siege engines' health I, II, III, IV, V

5. Research Academy-Unlock  Engineering corps I

engineering corps I.png

Researching Engineering corps I gives you the following boosts:

  • City Walls I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII

  • Catapults I, II, III, IV, V and Ballistae VI, VII

  • Captain Brann

  • Siege engines’ training costs I, II, III, IV, V

  • Siege engines’ march speed I, II, III, IV, V (not essential)

  • Siege engines’ carrying capacity I, II, III, IV, V (not essential)

6. Put Hero talent points into Battle Tactics tree

Battle Tactics.png

Putting your hero talents in this tree, gives you the following boosts:

  • Engineer corps’ health I (20/20 : need 25 talent points), II, III

  • Engineer corps’ strength I (20/20 : need 49 talent points), II, III

  • Chance for engineer corps to deal double damage I  (1/1 : need 50 talent points), II, III

7. Put Hero talent points into Economy tree

tile_bonus_I-removebg-preview (1).png

This will give you the possibility to boost:

  • Tile bonus I   (20/20: need 26 points)

  • Tile bonus II  (20/20: need 51 points and hero lv 65)

  • Tile bonus III (20/20: need 76 points)

8. Forge - Equipment crafting  Skillful Engineer

skilfull engineering.png

Forging this equipment gives following boosts: 

  • Depending on the quality of the equipment it will boost

       Engineer Corps’ health and strength for

  • + 1,5% (quality: poor)

  • + 3,0% (common)

  • + 5,0% (uncommon) 

  • + 8,0% (rare)

  • + 12,0% (epic)

  • + 17,0 % (legendary)

  • + 23,0% (ascendant)

  • + 30,0% (godlike)

  • The chance for engineer corps to deal double damage will increase proportionally with

    • +0,1%

    • +0,2%

    • +0,3%

    • +0,4%

    • +0,5%

    • +0,8%

    • +1,2%

    • +2,0%

  • You can further enhance boosts by wearing 6 pieces on hero and/or 3 pieces on 1 or more captains.

       Notice that the bonuses will sum up !

9. Forge - Workshop  Enchantments

Use these enchantments (see pictures) to get the desired boosts:

  • Increase health of fortifications (A)

  • Increase strength of fortifications (B)

  • Increase health of engineer corps (C)

  • Increase strength of engineer corps (D)

The above enchantments have different qualities and boosts:

enchantments quality.png
health of fortifications.png


strength of fortifications.png


health siege engines.png


strength of siege engines.png


10. Forge - Workshop  Gems

Use these gems (see pictures) to get the desired build boosts:

  • Zephyrite    (A)  : increases the strength of fortifications

  • Argulite       (B)  : increases the health of fortifications

  • Jade            (C)   : increases the strength of siege engines

  • Alexandrite (D)  : increases the health of siege engines


The above named gems have different qualities and boosts:

gem quality and boosts.png
Zephyrite strenght of fortifications.png


Argulite health of fortifications.png


Jade_strength of siege engines.png


Alexandrite health siege engines.png


TB calculation.png

Engineering Build
Outcomes of upgrades

The outcome of the previous named boosts and upgrades will be a (huge) gain in health and strength of your engineering corps, siege engines and city walls. The more upgrades you did, the higher the effect will be.

You can see the effect of the boosts on your engineering corps and sieges in your battle reports. Here we show an example of an attack on monsters with catapults led by captain Brann.

Under capital statistics you can see the effect on your City walls. Here we present some examples for City's Walls IV and V.


sample of battle report.png
walls T4B.png
walls t4A.png
wall t5_B.png
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