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On this page we highlight a clan in K76. By answering some questions we try to give you an idea of that clan's culture & atmosphere; what the clan stands for and what makes it unique.

Maybe this can help you in choosing a clan that fits you. 

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THP [The Happy Pineapple]

CLAN LEADER                        Shat

SUPERIORS                            BoldlyBraveSirRobin | Earninef | BringOutYourDead | TheKnightWhoSaysNi

RANKINGS (vary over time)  Might (2-4) | VP Gained (5) | CP Gained (5) | Crypt Exploration (5)       Great Hunt Top 50

REQUIREMENTS TO JOIN      Hero level 10 | Willing to contribute to clan resources | Willing to partipate in Great Hunt event


Clan Leader of THP is Shat. 

Gender: Male     Age category: 20-25

Relation status : single

Lives in Quebec, Canada

Shat is an experienced Total Battle player.

He is playing this game about 3 years. He doesn't play any other games momentarily as being leader of a clan and having to maintain a high level main takes much of his time.

Also he doesn't want to stare at screens the whole day. He's especially proud about the fact that he never ever bought anything in the game for real money! Lets find out more about this young Canadian :)

Ni :  How do your best friends describe you?

Shat : Someone who likes changes; has some difficulty to stay on something, but when he likes it, will spend a lot of time on it; trying his best to be nice to everyone


Ni :  Favourite music?

Shat : I don't really listen to music....Well....I only listen to City of Power/The Mystics by Total Battle :)

Ni : Maybe you play an instrument ?

Shat : I tried a lot of instruments but didn't find the right one...I'm simply not good at it.

Ni : Favourite movie?

Shat : I don't have a favourite really

Ni :  What car you drive and why that car?

Shat : A Nissan: They always work well and have low maintenance costs. Also in Canada we don't build cars, so I couldn't buy a Canadian one

Ni : What kind of work do you do?

Shat : I work in the organic agriculture. We grow organic plants like tomatoes, cucumbers - the normal vegetables - in greenhouses. As I now working for someone, it's my ambition starting my own organic greenhouse company in the near future

Ni : You have any hobbies?

Shat : I like gardening although my garden is not that big. I also love travelling and mountain climbing


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We asked some members what they think is unique in this clan

BringOutYourDead : Special is the willingness of many members to fight. After all this is a 'Total Battle' game and when members mix it up during CoT, even with higher might players, it makes the game very exciting and extremely fun to play ! Never a dull moment during CoT :)


RogerTheShrubber : I think it's special that the stronger players in our clan act like heroes instead of villains. Plus members are willing to help out. We are a Clan AND a community of like-minded people who want to have fun :)

BravelyBoldSirRobin : A lot of us have certain roles. We have a couple of players that are enforcers and a couple that really enjoy building and contributing RSS and they take a lot of pride in keeping the factories filled.

I think in many clans it might be more one dimensional...everyone wants to be a destroyer. But we have people whose goal is to teach and others whose goal is to build and gather RSS. It makes for a pretty unique balance 

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We asked Shat and a few members of THP how they would describe clan's culture and atmosphere


Shat : We have a good atmosphere in clan with a lot of active players. Over time as we are getting to know each other better it will be even more active. Everyone is polite and we have nice conversations. Our players are doing their best for the clan in donating resources and being active in events

BringOutYourDead : Almost

every clan member is willing

to help you progress with either

tips on how to play; or with

resources and especially

protecting you from players who

break ROE.

In addition THP works extremely hard getting crypts, arena's and citadels, which translates into many gifts for you to open


RogerTheShrubber : I would describe the clan's atmosphere as relaxed and having fun


BravelyBoldSirRobin : We are a rapidly developing clan. We have come really far in a short period of time. We have fun with it. We have a bunch of Monty Python fans here so we play a lot with our names and are seeking a way to get the game developers to introduce 'shrubberies' in some way as a

joke :)

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We asked clan leader Shat and a superior what they see as main goals for their clan

Shat : For me it is to build a big clan, but not too big. A nice clan where everyone is active and helps each other. Getting a good amount of chests helping players who play for free

having it more easy. So my main goal is to make a nice clan full of active people, working well, where everyone is good and a clan we can defend well. That is more important for me than a special place in events or in world ranking

BravelyBoldSirRobin : I really think it's just to have fun. I think we enjoy a good fight and find enjoyment in testing ourselves against others. Some like combat more than others and they are not necessarily the strongest ones but no one really gets to bend out of shape if they lose a fair fight. There's a lot of learning and teaching in our clan so continuous improvement and enjoyment of the game. 

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